how far along: 38 weeks 3 days
countdown: 1 week and 4 days till the estimated due date
(also no new bump picture today, i take those on saturdays!)
Transformation Tuesday Baby Bump Style
i have some things to do but i really don't feel like doing any of them. (grad school homework mostly) these last weeks pregnancy has made me feel like a lazy bum. although i did finish packing the hospital bag last night. i honestly did pack a couple of extra outfits because i'm not sure what size he will be. what if he is born 10 pounds and i only have a newborn outfit! i am also bringing a big fuzzy blanket because it's going to be cold and he will need it for the car ride home. oh well this is my first baby so i don't mind being a little over packed. i want to go buy a new pair of ear buds though, the nurses said music really can calm a person down during labor. i also made a list with a red marker that is going to sit on top of the suitcase of things that we can't pack up right now -- are currently being used by us. The big number 1 item is phone chargers! i put that one in caps.
i'm so ready for this baby to get here. i have outgrown clothes again and now only two maternity shirts I have are loose fitting. I don't want to wear anything tight right now except the maternity tank tops that i bought from gap. other than that i just want to be comfortable. i think i will have to venture out into the real world, run to Walmart and pick up a one or two more pairs of their 5 dollar sweatpants which are so COZY! thinking about them makes me want to go right now. i just might.
i am still having heartburn every night mo matter what i eat. i've come to accept it even though i don't like it. tums and i have become best friends. i finished two bottles of 100 and then finished my parents bottle of 1,000. NO my parents bottle was not full, it was about half full. brandon had some a couple times as well… it was just mostly me.
i figured out that i have a split abdomen. who knew?! the first time i noticed was over two months ago, but when i would sit up from a laying down position this little cone head would appear and i thought it was just his butt or something. but now i have learned that my abdomen muscles split down the middle to make room for the little baby. this does not cause any harm for the baby at all, in fact it just gives him more room. the "harm" that it can potentially cause for me is just that they won't reseal. i plan on asking my doctor about this - some women have to go to physical therapy for it or they will have a split abdomen for their whole life. i never met anyone who talked about it until i was reading through a chat room on my "what to expect when expecting" app. interesting stuff! i also found lot's of women due on Nov 16 which was really neat.
jackson thinks the crib is his. he literally jumps into it anytime we even open the door. he blends in like one of the stuffed animals we have sitting on it at the moment. (i know that when the baby sleeps in there he can't have stuffed animals, the quilt blanket or the bumpers!) i just like the way it looks right now with no baby.
i am also in the complete christmas spirit already. i love thanksgiving don't get me wrong but i am so ready for christmas. that is my favorite season hands down. i was actually getting teared up looking through magazines looking at little christmas outfits (these hormones are brutal i tell you). thanksgiving is really late in november this year so my mom said we will decorate earlier than the day after turkey day. i'm completely fine with that.
i hope everyone that stopped by and took a minute to read this is having a great week!
P.S. i have decided to go to Walmart in a little bit in case you were wondering :-P
I can't believe it's almost the due date! I'd love to know what's on your labor playlist! Love you, Jacquiiiii! :)
ReplyDeleteI think that should be my next blog post for sure!! :D