December 15, 2013

Mid-December Update

So, I must say my life has been beyond hectic since William has gotten here and I really did not have the energy to sit down and blog.

So incase we are Facebook friends, let me fill you in on the past month or so!

My son William Harrison Douglass was born on November 9 after a very long day of painful labor that resulted in having to get a C-Section.  I will spare the details.

My sweet fiancĂ© proposed to be one week after William was born.  So that week felt like a complete dream.  I was just beyond elated and exhausted that I couldn't really comprehend what was happening. There is a really sweet video on Facebook of the proposal!

My mom went into the hospital because her recovery took a turn for the worse.  (She was in the hospital when Will was born) Now she is on the road to being healthy again.

I had to take an incomplete for grad school this semester because I have to say… I've never been so happily overwhelmed in my life.  I never even knew what tired was until William arrived but that is absolutely okay with me.

That's the basic outline of what's been going on.  But now I wanted to share pictures of William with everyone who has been following my blog since I started writing!

Okay so there are a few of my favorite pictures.  I know you probably think I'm nuts saying "a few" but I'm obsessed with this kid.  He lights up my life.

Happy Holidays!

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