December 30, 2014

2015 Resolutions

Some people don't like resolutions and that's okay.  Some people thrive with written down goals which is also okay.  If resolutions aren't for you - you can skip this post!  :)  

Last year I made 7 resolutions for 2014.  I accomplished 4/7 goals I wrote down for myself and I am actually quite proud of that.  There were a few circumstances that I let get the better of me which is why I didn't accomplish all 7.  That is no excuse, trust me, but I've done a lot of soul searching over the past few weeks to try and ground myself again.  This year I come to you with my goals and a sense of purpose.

1.  My sense of purpose is ever evolving.  I have never been good at picking something and sticking to it.  My family knows this better than I know myself.  I start and stop things constantly.  This year, I'm not going to get caught up in trying to define my sense of purpose.  I had many friends try and help me discover what my purpose was and during those conversations, I never really felt like I got to the bottom of it.  The conversation just stopped when I said, "William is my purpose."  He absolutely fills my heart and makes me want to be a better person, but I'm not just going to live as a reflection of my son.  I want him to be a reflection of a strong-willed, happy, and confident parent.  So resolution number 1 is... Keep digging.  Keep dreaming.  Allow  circumstances to let me evolve.  Refuse to settle for a person who treats me poorly.  Be an incredibly flawed role-model for my sweet son.

2.  I'm in the process of transitioning to a plant-based vegan diet.  (GASP IN HORROR FRIENDS)  How could you give up meat?  Protein is ESSENTIAL!  Trust me when I say, I've been doing research on this for a few months now.  I've decided that this is something I want to do.  I can fuel my body nutritiously and do it without causing harm to other creatures.  I promise you now that I will never try and force you into a vegan diet but I do request that you try not to bully me back into eating meat.  I am an adult, I think I can make this choice for myself.  :)

3.  I usually make some mention to this every year, but I'm going to bring it up again.  I want to work on saving money.  I want to take a trip with my mom to Ireland eventually and I want to be able to pay for it (or at least some).  This past year has been full of financial ups and downs for me.  I know it won't happen over night, but I want to build a security blanket as well as have money for fun.  I have not nailed out the full details of how I'm going to do this, but I'm still working on it.

4.  Live in the moment.  This sounds cheesy... I know.  I want to try and focus more time into living for the now and eliminate stressing about the past  and the future (to an extent).  I remember multiple times this year sitting on my bed sobbing and thinking, "how will I ever make it through this week, month, year".  Guess what!  I made it.  I need to learn to take a breath and enjoy my life.

So there you have it, friends!  2015 Resolutions.  I realize these are a bit broad and I've already implemented certain aspects but I feel really good about them.  Here's to a wonderful New Year!

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