So I don't know how this time has gone by so quickly, but William is 14 months old. He is hilarious, stubborn, and probably the cutest boy I've ever met. He's walking and practically running every where. He climbs on anything he can get on and climbs in any laundry basket he sees. When he is in the mood he will chat up a storm with a bunch of babbling nonsense. Oh how I wish I could decode his language. William knows how to work all the angles to try and get his way. When that boy hears no, you better run for the hills. I have to try extremely hard not to laugh because it's such a fantastic mix of hilarious and frustrating. I usually choose to focus on the hilarious part. I love how he can have his quiet moments playing alone and also have these bursts of wanting to run around and climb all over me. Currently his famous words are "hi baby" and "pup-pee". It's very enunciated. William loves eating and will try anything, that being said if he doesn't like it he will take it right back out of his mouth. Sometimes even try to feed it to me. He still hates getting his diaper changed and would rather run around nude than wear any item of clothing. He pulls his socks off any chance he gets has now moved onto trying to pull of his shirts. Annnddd, he's been successful. The only movie I've been able to get him to sit down and watch for more than 5 minutes is Alvin and the Chipmunks which just so happened to be on TV. (Thank you ABC Family and your family friendly Sunday programming!) When he is in the mood, William will give you the best hugs and cuddles imaginable. It is amazing to have such a little boy fill my heart up with joy each and every day. Not every minute is easy and not every minute is fun but that comes a long with parenthood. The moments where he grabs my face and tries to give me a "kiss" will make up for every single time he throws a tantrum. I cannot wait to watch him grow even more and I'm so excited to see what funny thing he does next. I love you, William!

PS- I've been working on my capsule wardrobe for winter. I promised myself I wouldn't buy anything for this season. Today is day 1 and so far, I'm happy. I'm excited to see how this all progresses!
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